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Exclusive is not Inclusive
Founded in 2019, Kaleida International is a B2B marketplace for Tenders which connects Buyers to Supplier and Diverse Suppliers. With a focus on helping the Chief Procurement Office achieve its ESG goals, and alerting Supplier companies to new revenue opportunities, Kaleida's fully-inclusive platform helps Buyers find, identify and assess Diverse Suppliers they can invite to Tender.
Finding Diverse Suppliers is time-consuming as the process today involves researching against multiple databases. This is further compounded in the UK, EMEA and ASIAPAC regions as the data simply does not exist.
Kaleida's fully-inclusive platform, a one-stop shop and golden source of data is a market disruptor. We believe that for equality to be achieved, and equity distributed without prejudice or discrimination, Exclusive truly cannot be Inclusive.
Meet our Founder, Jason Roberts, +44 7507 681122
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