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A collection of thought leadership posts and industry updates
Jason Roberts, CEO
May 6, 20203 min read
Empty Stalls: Procurement with no Trade Shows
As at the 28th April, there were 2,539 global trade shows and exhibitions either cancelled or postponed as a result of the Coronavirus....
Jason Roberts, CEO
Apr 28, 20204 min read
Coronavirus and its impact on the global supply chain
As I wandered through the empty aisles of a local supermarket recalling the news and chewing over conspiracy theories as to the cause,...
Jason Roberts, CEO
Apr 15, 20204 min read
Running or Starting a Business? Here are 22 Lessons from Jeff Bezos
Business owners are often asked what was it that made them start their own business. Depressions, Recessions and Pandemics can create...
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